Edward Falk ئاپەکان

RpnCalc - Rpn Calculator
Edward Falk
RpnCalc is the best RPN calculator on theAndroid Market.It has an interface that users of the HP calculator line will becompletely at home with, including these features:Scientific modeBasic (large key) mode20 MemoriesKey click (haptic feedback)Continouous memory16-level stack (configurable)Front four stack elements displayedRpnCalc has a sixteen-level stack to hold more data. The front fourelements on the stack are visible at all times, making it mucheasier to keep track of where you are in your calculations."Calculator tape" records your calculations and can be shared viaemail, bluetooth, etc.See http://www.efalk.org/RpnCalc/ for manualOh, and here's the privacy policy: RpnCalc never collects anyprivate data of any sort. It never connects to the internet. Itdoesn't even run ads.
RpnCalc 12C Financial Calc
Edward Falk
RpnCalc 12c Financial Calculator is thehighest-rated and most popular financial calculator on the AndroidMarket.It has an interface that users of the HP 12C financialcalculator line will be completely at home with, but does muchmore. Calculations are far faster, doing in a fraction of a secondwhat the classic calculator could take minutes to compute. It alsoincludes scientific and basic modes.No ads, no spyware. The only permission it asks for is to saveand recall programs.RpnCalc Financial is a highly versatile full-functionprogrammable financial calculator. It includes math, finance,statistics, and scientific functions.Features include:* Time value of money (TVM)* Amortization* Cash flow analysis: IRR, NPV* Bond pricing* Date and interest calculations* Percentages, markups, percentage of total* Scientific mode* Basic (large key) mode* 20 Memories* 99 Program steps* Key click (haptic feedback)* Continuous memoryImprovements over the classic HP 12C Financial Calculator:* 16-level stack (configurable)* Front four stack elements always displayed* Programs can be saved and restored by name* Programs displayed symbolically* Memories are not sacrificed to make room for program steps* Full amortization display, register display, NPV display, andprogram display.* "Calculator tape" feature records all your actions and lets youshare the recordingSee http://www.efalk.org/RpnCalcFinancial for a full descriptionand documentation.RpnCalc Financial has a sixteen-level stack to hold more data.The front four elements on the stack are visible at all times,making it much easier to keep track of where you are in yourcalculations.Calculator programs are stored and displayed symbolically,making programming much easier. Programs can be stored andretrieved from the external memory whenever your Android is infile-sharing mode.If you want to "test drive" a similar calculator before purchasing,try the free "RpnCalc" scientific calculator.Oh, and here's the privacy policy: RpnCalc never collects anyprivate data of any sort. It never connects to the internet. Itdoesn't even run ads.
Show Resources 2
Edward Falk
A very simple diagnostic application.
RpnCalc Financial Calculator 2.0.9
Edward Falk
RpnCalc Financial is the oldest top-rated financial calculator onthe Android Market. It has an interface that users of conventionalfinancial calculators will be completely at home with, but doesmuch more. Calculations are far faster, doing in a fraction of asecond what the classic calculator could take minutes to compute.RpnCalc Financial is a highly versatile full-function programmablefinancial calculator. It includes math, finance, and statisticsfunctions. Features include: * Time value of money (TVM) *Amortization * Cash flow analysis: IRR, NPV * Bond pricing * Dateand interest calculations * Percentages, markups, percentage oftotal * Scientific mode * Basic (large key) mode * 20 Memories * 99Program steps * Key click (haptic feedback) * Continouous memoryImprovements over the classic calculator: * 16-level stack * Frontfour stack elements displayed * Programs can be saved and restored* Programs displayed symbolically * Memories are not sacrificed tomake room for program steps RpnCalc Financial has a sixteen-levelstack to hold more data. The front four elements on the stack arevisible at all times, making it much easier to keep track of whereyou are in your calculations. Calculator programs are stored anddisplayed symbolicly, making programming much easier. Progams canbe stored and retrieved from the sdcard whenever your Android is infile-sharing mode. See http://www.efalk.org/RpnCalcFinancial for afull description. If you want to "test drive" a similar calculatorbefore purchasing, try the free "RpnCalc" scientific calculator.
RpnCalc Financial beta 2.0
Edward Falk
There will be no more updates after 2.0beta.Current users should contact falk@efalk.org for a promo codetoupdate to the official version.
Pressure Altimeter 1.1
Edward Falk
This is a basic barometric pressure altimeter.